Site Planning

It is a good idea to lay out the proposed locations of your trees using stakes or flag markers, to better visualize the result.

Trees should be planted no closer than 10 feet apart; a 12 to 14 foot spacing is best.

Be sure to position the trees at least 5 feet away from property boundaries, and well away from buildings, sidewalks, and driveways.

Call the utility locate service for your area to mark underground utilities.  Stay at least 4 feet away from buried utility lines.

Try to avoid placing your trees in shaded areas, or underneath the canopy of larger trees.  Shade will retard growth and fullness.  By all means avoid planting under or near a walnut tree, as these are toxic to most evergreens.

There are several methods for arranging a row of trees.

Straight row:

X          X           X           X          X          X          X          X

Staggered row:  less formal but still symmetrical;  does end require more yard space

X                         X                        X                       X

X                          X                       X                         X

Asymmetrical:  the most natural looking

X           X                         X                                    X          X

X                            X


Privacy Screen Planted as a Straight Row:

site plan straight row

Privacy Screen as a Staggered Row:

site plan staggered row